SARMs are short for selective androgen receptor modulators. They are a class of drugs that are currently getting much attention in the bodybuilding world – and, for a good reason. SARMs have muscle-building effects similar to steroids – including testosterone – without the massive list of side effects. For this reason, they are also gaining many interests among researchers. But, because they are still in the early stages of research, they are currently not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Traditional androgenic steroids have historically had a reputation for being dangerous – and for a good reason. Aside from a ton of undesirable physical side effects, traditional steroids are known to cause a significant increase in the risk of liver damage and cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and blood clots. SARMs, on the other hand, have proven to be generally “well-tolerated” in clinical trials, showing early signs that they could be a healthier alternative to traditional androgenic steroids.
Early studies have shown SARMs to be extremely useful in building lean mass and muscle strength. It’s still not definitive information, but if these studies continue to show similar results, then SARMs could represent a step towards a safer class of androgenic drugs. That is excellent news in the bodybuilding world and for anyone just looking to bulk up and gains strength.
The Different Forms Of SARMs
SARMs come in several different types, so they can be taken based on personal preference. Here are some of the options out there:
- Powder – Much like any protein powder, you can throw this into your water or protein shake.
- Capsules – SARMs capsules usually come in bottles of 50 or 100. Each capsule includes 5mg – 1mg of SARMs. Like any standard pills, these are typically taken orally with liquid.
- Liquid – This can be ingested as is and chased with water or juice. It can also be mixed into your water or juice.
- Injectable – Dosage is administered through a syringe and should be injected directly into muscle mass.
All of these options are on the market, but – aside from the minimized risk of side effects – one of the significant advantages for people are looking to use SARMs is that they can now get similar results without dealing with injections.
How To Take SARMs
It’s much easier to get your dose through ingestible options like powders, capsules, or liquids. Some even argue that they are safer because the traditional alternative of injecting, can cause an increase in potential liver damage.
All of the ingestible options available – capsules, powders, and liquids – can be taken as is, or by mixing with waters, juice or protein shakes. The SARMs that come in liquid form can have a bit of an aftertaste, so if you want a bit after you take it, keeping a fruit close is always a good option. Ingestible SARMs are also okay to take either with food or on an empty stomach.
For injectable doses, it is essential to administer via intermuscular injection – meaning you’ve got to stick that needle right into the muscle tissue for the SARMs to provide maximum results.
PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) For SARMs
If you are planning to use SARMS for bulking, cutting or building strength, then it’s highly recommended you also integrate a proper post cycle therapy into your routine.
Why? Because any type of performance enhancers are known to suppress hormones during usage. The suppression of these hormones usually results in the reduction of your natural production of testosterone. So, at the end of a SARM cycle, your testosterone levels will likely be quite low, and the body will have a tough time recovering on its own.
With the post cycle therapy, testosterone levels will be brought back up to their normal levels, speeding up the recovery process. For male bodybuilders, especially, this is extremely important. Testosterone plays a crucial role in the ability to gain strength and muscle, so for bodybuilders who are always trying to take those things to the next level, it is vital to keep a healthy supply of it in the body.
Other possible side effects of testosterone levels that stay low for too long- are fatigue, depression, and loss of muscle mass – all things that can set a bodybuilder back in their goals.
Possible Side Effects of Using SARMs
The FDA has warned that SARMs products do contain potentially dangerous ingredients. And, while people take them to gain muscle and strength, they enjoy the reduced potential of physical side effects – such as acne, shrinking of the testicles, and enlargement of the prostate – some of the side effects of traditional steroids are still possible.
Some reports of people taking SARMS have found signs of liver toxicity. It is also likely that the use of SARMs could lead to cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke. And, because SARMs are in the early stages of research and testing, there are still many unknowns in terms of long-term effects.
Most Popular SARMs
If you are considering the best SARMs for cutting, bulking or building strength, here is a quick overview of the most popular ones out there.
Ostarine (MK-2866) – Best SARM For Beginners
Also known as Enobosarm, this option is the least suppressive of all SARMs. It is probably your best bet when starting SARMs for the first time, to see how your body responds. This should eliminate a potential shutdown of your endogenous testosterone production, which you are risking if you start with one of the stronger compounds.
Ostarine tends to be the best option for athletes and recreational users. And, because having your diet perfected, isn’t a pre-requisite for Ostarine (you’ll see the gains regardless), it is probably one of the best SARMs for a cut if that’s the short-term goal.
The strength boost that you get from Ostarine is moderate, but as long as you are training consistently, you should see increased strength results within 5-6 weeks.
Testolone (RAD-140) – Best SARM For Bulking
Originally developed as a treatment for Osteoporosis, Testolone has been shown in early studies to stimulate muscle mass and strength, without having adverse effects on blood pressure or the prostate.
Testolone RAD-140 has a higher anabolic ratio than other SARMS, which means that it is a great mass builder. So, compared to its counterparts, it is probably the best SARM for bulking.
As one of the newer SARMs, there is very little research that’s been done on Testolone. However, based on some user experiences, increased blood pressure, aggression, and nausea have been documented but known as one of the best SARMs for bulking.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) – Another Great SARM For Mass
Also known as Anabolicum, Ligandrol – like Testolone – was initially developed as a treatment for Osteoporosis – as well as cancer symptoms related to muscle loss. Ligandrol is often compared to Testolone (RAD-140) because of its ability to gain muscle quickly. Recent SARMs reviews indicate that users have found they have been able to achieve 10-15 muscle pounds in one cycle of Ligandrol.
In terms of strength gains, these also occur pretty quickly with Ligandrol. Users found their strength increasing within 1-2 weeks of beginning a cycle. Many users have also reported a quicker recovery process with Ligandrol – a popular point among bodybuilders in particular since speedy recovery means having the ability to increase the intensity when cycling. This is also one of your best SARMs for bulking.
Andarine (S4) – Best SARM For Cutting
Andarine is not intended to be used for muscle gain – its power lies in the cut. This is the SARM that a bodybuilder wants to take during those final few weeks leading up to a competition. The result is less fat around the belly, a leaner physique, and more prominent veins. Andarine is a compound recommended for daily fitness. It helps you run faster, lift better, and keep stamina during your workouts without the crash.
It is best used during the aggressive cuts when you want your physique to shine. Andarine is ideal for cutting while maintaining gained muscle mass.
Cardarine (GW501516) – Best SARM For Weight Loss
Also known as Endurobol, Cardarine is marketed as a SARM – because of its ability to enhance endurance, stamina, and metabolism – but, it is a supplement used for heart and metabolic conditions. The popularity of Cardarine is based on its reputation of being the best endurance enhancer on the market.
The cardio session is where many users have noticed the effectiveness of Cardarine. Increased cardio endurance is noticeably increased and remains consistent when cycling Cardarine. It is also useful in boosting fat loss and retaining muscle mass from those hard-earned gains.
It’s also important to note that Post Cycle Therapy isn’t required with Cardarine because it does not interfere with natural hormone production.
YK11 – Best SARM For Strength
YK11s strength lies in its ability to breakdown the genetic muscle-building limitations in the body, promoting enhanced muscle-building activity. It is highly recommended for bodybuilders who want to see a quick improvement in their lean muscle mass.
YK11 works by improving the speed and growth of new muscle and cells and aids in muscle retention. It does this by increasing levels of follistatin, which works to counteract the effects of myostatin in the body.
Myostatin is a protein responsible for preventing the body from gaining too much muscle mass. By decreasing its activity, the body can push beyond the genetic limitations of muscle production. YK11 is a favorite amongst bodybuilders precisely because of its ability to build muscle mass while maintaining the quality of existing muscles.
SARM Stacks
Now that we’ve learned about some of the popular SARMs out there let’s talk about finding the right stacks to meet your goals. Whether you’re looking to get lean fast for that upcoming competition, or you’re in a long-term training structure focused on gains, these stack combinations should help you reach your goals efficiently.
Best SARMs Stack For Cutting
Andarine x Cardarine
How it works – If your ultimate goal is to burn fat and get lean FAST, then this combination is the fastest route to get you there. Cardarine would act as your primary fat-burning catalyst, and Andarine will get you your muscle growth.
Dosage –
- Beginner
- Cardarine | Week 1 = 10 mg | Weeks 2-6 = 20 mg
- Cardarine | Week 1-6 = 30 mg
- Andarine | Week 1-8 = 50 mg
Cycle Length – Beginner = 6 weeks | Advanced = 8 weeks
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) – None needed.
Best SARMs Stack For Bulking
Ligandrol (LD-4033) x Testolone (RAD-140)
How it works – This combo the closest you’ll get to the results you’d see with traditional steroids, in terms of gains, so it’s ideal for bodybuilders to get that extra bulk. The most significant advantage of this SARM combo (compared to steroids) is the elimination of all of the physical symptoms associated with its more dangerous counterpart. Say goodbye to acne, aggression, enlarged breast tissue, and male pattern baldness. This combo is all about getting huge.
Note: There is an option to switch out Testolone (RAD-140) for Ibutamoren (MK-677). Similar results will be accomplished. And, using all three, is the ultimate stack for gains! As well, adding YK11 into the mix will suppress myostatin, allowing you to build past your inherent genetic limitations.
Dosage –
| Week 1 = 5 mg| Weeks 2-5 = 10 mg | Week 6 = 15 mg
RAD 140 [and/or MK677] | Week 1 = 12.5 mg | Week 2-5 25 mg | Week 6 = 32.5 mg
LGD-4033 | Week 1-6 = 30 mg
RAD-140 | Week 1-6 = 50 mg
YK11 | Week 1-6 =
Cycle Length – Beginner = 6 weeks | Advanced = 8 weeks
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) – This is a potent combo that will suppress the body’s natural testosterone production, so to do it properly, yes, you will need to include a proper PCT. For heavy cycles involving several compounds, the PCT options are Clomid or Nolvadex.
Clomid is effective for this type of cycle but can often cause side effects, including vision issues. Dosage is 25mg – 50mg per day.
Nolavex is milder but is also practical – with less risk of side effects. Dosage is 10mg – 40mg per day.
Both options should be taken on a 4-week cycle.
Best SARMs Stack For Fat Loss
Ostarine x Andarine
How it works – This combo is the most effective for weight loss because the properties in these compounds reduce water retention in the body and help improve endurance. Keep in mind that if weight loss is the goal, this stack should be paired with an overall health and wellness routine. A proper diet will be essential here.
Dosage –
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | Week 1 – 8 = 5mg
Andarine | Week 1 – 8 = 5mg
Cycle Length – 8 weeks
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) – This combination isn’t as heavy as other SARMs stacks – if you stick to the recommended dosage. So, a mild PCT like Arimistane will work for recovery. However, some users increase the dosage level to up to 20mg per day. If that is the case, then a stronger PCT will be required.
Best SARMs Stack For Strength
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) x YK11 x S4
How it works – This stack is not just for bulking; it is also ideal for increasing strength. Adding Ibutamoren (MK-677) is also great when running this stack cycle. The properties found in MK-677 will help with recovery – essential to keep in mind for the health of those joints and tendons when doing all of that high-intensity training.
Dosage –
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | Week 1 – 2 = 10 mg| Weeks 3 – 6 = 20 mg
YK11 | Week 1 – 6 = 10mg
Ligandrol (LG-4033) | Week 1 = 10 mg| Weeks 2 – 8 = 20 mg
YK11 | Week 1 – 8 = 10mg
S4 | Week 1 – 8 = 50 mg
Cycle Length – Beginner = 6 weeks | Advanced = 8 weeks
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) – Similar to the bulking combo, this is a strong stack, so yes, you will need to include a proper PCT. For heavy cycles involving several compounds, the PCT options are Clomid or Nolvadex.
Clomid is effective for this type of cycle but can often cause side effects, including vision issues. Dosage is 25mg – 50mg per day.
Nolavex is milder but is also effective – with less risk of side effects. Dosage is 10mg – 40mg per day.
Both options should be taken on a 4-week cycle.
Best SARMs Stack For Women
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) x Andarine
How it works – for this combo, Ligandrol is best used for women trying to add size (usually for physique competitions), and Andarine is ideal for cutting. The most significant benefit of this combo is that muscle mass is retained, even during significant calorie restriction. It’s perfect for taking pre-comp.
Note: Adding in Ibutamoren (MK-677) can help with the recomposition phase. It’s properties help improve sleep quality, and that rest can lead to better recovery and more efficient training.
Dosage –
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | Week 1 – 8 = 5mg
Andarine | Week 1 – 8 = 5mg – 15mg (every two days; daily for advanced trainees)
Cycle Length – 8 weeks
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) – This combination isn’t as heavy as other SARMs stacks – if you stick to the recommended dosage. So, a mild PCT like Arimistane will work for recovery. However, some users increase the dosage level to up to 20mg per day. If that is the case, then a stronger PCT will be required.
Where To Buy SARMs
Because SARMs are not currently regulated, your shopping experience can easily turn into a mixed bag of goods. In short, there are a lot of low-quality products out there, and as with most other unregulated substances – you run the risk of getting unpure SARMs that just won’t have any effect. So, when it comes to purchasing SARMs, the most important part of the entire process is being able to find and buy from the most reputable providers.
To help you narrow things down and make your search a little easier, we’ve compiled a list of some of the retailers that are known for selling only the highest quality SARMs:
Science carries high-quality metabolic in both powder and liquid forms. Andarine, Cardarine Ligandrol, Testolone, and others are all available in the Science brand.
Prices range from around $20 – $70 per product.
Not only do they have all of your foundational SARMs – like Ligandrol, Cardarine, Ostarine, and YK-11 – available, they also test their products regularly and post the results on their site. All Proven Peptides products come in liquid form, so if tinctures are your thing, this is an excellent site to stock up.
Swiss Chems is another in-house brand that is defined by its high-quality SARMs. They carry a wide range of injectables and capsules, so if these are your preferred methods of SARM administration, Swiss Chems is your best bet! All of the usual suspects, including Ligandrol, Ibutamoren, and Andarine, can be found on their site.
Prices range from $20 – $300 (depending on what you are looking for) & they accept BTC payments.
SARMs for you is all powder supplements. So, if you’re looking for something to add to your liquids or smoothies, their products will be your go-to. These guys keep it simple. They carry all of your foundational SARMs in powder form – including Ibutamoren, Ostarine, LGD-4033, Andarine, Testolone, YK11, and a handful more. These are the high-quality SARMs and super easy to ingest.
Prices range from $50 – $75
The fact that there is a muscle-building alternative to traditional steroids is excellent news to us all. So, if you’re considering SARMs as a supplement to help you achieve your bodybuilding goals, hopefully, we’ve provided you with some resources to get you started.
Remember, SARMs have effects similar to steroids – including testosterone – without the extensive list of side effects. And, although research is still in its early stages, SARMs are a much better option compared to steroids, which are no longer worth the risk.
If you are still hesitant on what SARMS can do for you, check these SARMS before and after photos to inspire you on your next bodybuilding journey: